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Competitive Cheer and Dance and What it Entails

Our Competition teams work very hard every week! But there's a lot that goes into a Competitive squad that isn't seen online so much. Are you thinking of joining a competition squad?

Have a look down below of all the things to bare in mind:

Competitive Sport is great and can be so rewarding! We teach you everything and guide you through the process so there's nothing to worry about.

TIP 1: Teamwork

Squads are all about working as a team! As a team we go through all the highs together and the tough times together, being in a team can really encourage a young person to become a better version of themselves. It teaches students that they have to also consider other peoples feelings than just their own and that sometimes, things are not done for the benefit of themselves, but for the benefit of everybody.

Tip 2: Consistency

Being in a competitive squad means you have to show up for yourself and your team, physically and mentally every week! Competitive sports can be difficult sometimes, and occasionally when you're having a bad day, it can be difficult to get out the house and get to class! But when you do, you're telling your team that you're dependable and trustworthy, as well as this physical exercises gives your endorphins! We like to ensure all young and teenage athletes leave the session feeling positive and happy!

"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." – Phil Jackson.

Tip 3: Support Network

Competitive Sports can be a lot, there's sessions weekly and sometimes we have students crossing into more than one session. It requires weekend performances especially in the summer, competition weekends (these are always fun), and occasionally extra practices and rehearsals. It's very important to have a great support network from your family and friends, as they will also have to give up a lot of their time for a competitive sport!

Tip 4: Trust your coaches

Forming routines takes a long time! It takes even longer to evaluate and change, trust that the coaches know what they're doing, and that it has you and the team at the heart of it. When your coach pushes you to do more/be better, take on the challenge and know it's because your coach believes in you!

Tip 5: Believe in yourself!

For somebody to succeed, they must first believe they can! You can do anything you put your mind and heart to, push yourself to get better. When you do, everybody celebrates your success alongside you, and the confidence you feel starts to shine through. You have coaches and your team behind you, it all starts with you!

Our Top 5 Tips

These are ThunderCats Studio's top 5 things you must have to be a competitive athlete! It doesn't matter if you don't have all of these things though, you have coaches and team members around you to give you all the support you need! After reading these do you think you'd like to come and be a competitive athlete with us? We sure hope so!

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